The field of psychology has focused a lot of effort in developing a working definition of dysfunctional states. Lately the profession has found that it might be more helpful to define what we mean by functionality.
A Quality Management System is a way of working to assure sustained success.
The Rocky Mountain Center for Human Development.
Contrary to popular mythology, our ability to learn increases with age rather than diminishes. Only death or senility can put a stop to that ability. Research and observation, however, tell us that a large number of individuals over the age of twenty seem to have stopped learning and growing personally. The problem is, that we have done a very good job teaching people that the only way to learn is in a classroom and we have taught that even in a classroom we only learn if we have:
• To get a grade.
• To get a diploma.
• To get a job.
• To keep parents happy.
How did we ever create such a situation?
A major goal of the Rocky Mountain Center for Human Development is to provide individuals, communities and organizations with the information that will help them to create positive environments to foster continual learning and personal growth.
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